1050 is a new photo essay segment where we tell a story with photos (worth 1000 words) and captions of 50 words or fewer.
What started as a beer-decision to take pictures at a friends ball hockey game became a weird journey into one of south Edmonton’s greatest monuments, The Edmonton Sportsdome.
Pre-Game: A building painted on a building, also the exterior of the Sportsdome’s bar, Spike’s.Pre-Game: A good summary of my experience at the Sportsdome: bush league hockey, a Mondrian of bright colours, and a bar. Joshua StoriePre-Game: After passing Spike’s Restaurant and Lounge, and through an industrial grade revolving door, spectators find themselves at the heart of the Sportsdome, an 18 hole multi-coloured mini golf course. Joshua StoriePeriod 1: Perhaps the only partially-useable shot of actual gameplay as players become blurred through the shot-ridden glass. Joshua StoriePeriod 1: “What else am I going to do Thursday night at 9pm?” Joshua StoriePeriod 1: “Do you have to zamboni a ball hockey rink?” Joshua StoriePeriod 2: “There are so many types of chairs in this building.” Joshua StoriePeriod 2: more chairs Joshua StoriePeriod 2: a lot more chairs Joshua StoriePeriod 3: Green and White. Joshua StoriePeriod 3: Andalusia (Spain), Antioquia (Columbia), Kirkcudbrightshire (Scotland), Lombardy (Italy), Nigeria, Norfolk Island, Pakistan, Rhodesia, Saudi Arabia, Saxony (Germany), Stellaland. Joshua StoriePost-Game: Canada. Joshua Storie