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Meeting UAlberta: Jillian Ames

5th year, Human Geography

What’s the best study snack and why?

Popcorn, I have an air popper from 1996. Popcorn’s buttery and salty and you can eat a lot of it and not feel guilty about it.

What’s the most coffee you’ve consumed in preparation for a test?

Honestly I’m the type of person that when I get tired, I go to bed. I’m not going to stay up all night studying to be a shitty person in the exam. I’m just going to go to bed and wake up at five a.m. and study up until the exam. Maybe I’ll stay up to three latest. I’ve never gone 24 hours straight, that’s just dumb.

What’s the most unprepared you’ve gone to a test

Statistics 141, I was in it last semester and I just gave up. I’m going to fail. I’m going to switch to creative writing as my minor and give up on psychology. So I had submitted to that fate, I had went over the material, but my anxiety was so high, so I was like you know what, I just don’t care. There’s no point in stressing, people fail sometimes. I got 49.1 which was apparently rounded up to a D.

What’s the most prepared you’ve gone into a test

Having done all the readings and having a good prof that has slides that are easy to study from. you need to be prepared over the course of the semester and know your shit.

Best way to procrastinate?

Drinking with your class, you’re on campus right? you’re in the academic environment so things are still kicking around.

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