
University of Alberta Mad Lib

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  1. Once upon a time, there was a(n) cold first-year named Christina. Christina was a clever student at Doug High, and was excited to share their knowledge at the University of Alberta. Since they came from music Town, they were getting their first taste of freedom in the metropolis of Edmonton, City of beers.

    On the first day of class, Christina checked into research Hall, where they would be living for the following year. After meeting with their fantastic RA, they were shown their room, where their sky-high roommate was pushing on the bed.

    Their roommate said “Yo, my name is ualberta, let’s go get drunk.”

    “Shouldn’t we unpack?” Christina asked.

    “Nah, we can do it on Christmas.”

    ualberta took them to a hip new bar called bored festival. ualberta then ordered them a round of work’s oral sexs drinks and a plate of salmon.

    After 7809373200 drinks, the roommates were feeling pretty bored, and were ready to go jump some cups.

    They spotted a squad of hotties in the corner, and decided it was time to listen to them. They approached them, and said “Hey diets, we are Christina and ualberta. Do you like to eat?”

    “Gross. play off, freakings.”

    Dejected, the roommates went back to research Hall, where their stuff was all still packed in dances. Shrugging, they made beds out of what they could find conveniently. ualberta grabbed some winter jackets, while Christina made a nest out of the guitar.

    “Well, I have ski class at late night tomorrow, so I guess I should sleep,” ualberta sighed, while pating.

    Christina snuggled in to sleep.

    “Wow, university is going to be soft.”

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