Burlap Sack: Syrian Refugees

Damn those pesky refugees! Coming into our countries and asking for basic human rights and occasionally expecting a meal or two. What’s worse is that all this time that Syria has been blitzkrieged to devastation, those civilians fleeing their homes have managed to stay out of our way — so far. What’s with 2015 being the year that suddenly Europe has become the hotspot destination for refugees?
I mean, it was fine when the refugees were just minding their own business, being poor while hitting up all those other neighbouring poor countries. But when something starts becoming a European problem… I mean, that’s when I’m gonna perk up and listen. Because, you know, a European issue is obviously going to be more worthy of making international headlines. I feel like when something affects Europe, I could totally see it becoming a North American problem too. That’s when I really start to worry because, you know, I don’t want anything else affecting my quality of life here in Canada.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still really glad that the world has finally started paying attention to Assad’s regime, severe oppression in Eritrea, and even the weird things that are happening in Yemen. But to be honest, I’m relieved we didn’t start noticing the Syrian war and mass civilian casualties when it had started up in 2011. Because North Americans already have really high stress levels and we don’t need to be thinking about those things before they’re relevant to us, you know? I just don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.
The Syrian refugees have to be kicked-out of Europe, because they do not know how to clean-up their own garbage.