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Brew Crew: Detour

Brewery: Muskoka Brewery
Available at: Sherbrooke Liquor

Those just entering the world of craft beer may be averse to the growing trend of aggressive-tasting IPAs. The overwhelmingly dry nature of your average craft IPA is often too much for someone just beginning to dabble in different styles of beer. For those who felt turned off by the double and triple IPAs currently flooding the craft beer market, Muskoka Brewery comes as a saviour with their refreshing Detour IPA.

Brewed unfiltered and preservative free in Muskoka, Ontario, Detour is the perfect entry-level brew to experiment with IPAs. The pour gives a translucently golden colour with a moderate amount of carbonation, as well as a head that remains consistent until you reach the bottom of your glass. On the nose we have strong but manageable hops and some very light floral notes. Thoughh lovely smelling, taste is where Detour really shines, providing all of the flavour of a solid IPA with none of the harsh bitterness or strong aftertaste.

Thirst quenching and surprisingly easy to drink, Detour should be your go-to IPA to enjoy while the weather still spares our city. Detour makes the perfect patio beer to enjoy with friends on Whyte. If you were unsure about IPAs in the past, give Detour a shot, it might just change your mind.

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