Arts & CultureLifestyle

Brew Crew: White Bark Witbier

White Bark Witbier
Driftwood Brewery
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The ideal summer beer is a rare bird; it requires a perfect mix of crispness, flavour and carbonation to turn a sweltering day into patio paradise with a single sip. Driftwood Brewery’s White Bark Witbier accomplishes just that with its seamless blend of citrus and wheat.

Straight away from the pour we see the golden-orange colour shine through, releasing a vast array of carbonation that subsides to a moderate amount after the first few sips. The head, as with all Belgian-inspired beers, is incredible thick while also remaining light on the tongue; managing to remain throughout the entirety of the tasting experience.

On the nose we’re left with the just the right blend of citrus notes and wheaty bitterness, balancing eachother out in perfect harmony. The taste gives us more of the same, a solid blend of flavours coming together to create a crisp, lasting taste that is sure to satisfy.

Overall, White Bark Witbier makes a great choice for a summer patio beer, one that manages to stay light and crisp while still delivering on flavour. If Belgian beers with a hint of citrus speak to you on an emotional level, take White Bark Witbier out for a spin, I promise you won’t regret it.

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